Colorado Department of Corrections
The Colorado Department of Corrections (CDoC) is the State's correctional system for those with offenses that do not allow them to be incarcerated by the local correctional authorities (jail).
While the CDoC maintains a website that can be used for information on it's policies and practices, it's daunting for people not familiar with their system. In addition, the CDoC's focus on their mission does not allow them to provide information in an appropriate fashion for those outside the prison walls looking in.
To assist members, we have attempted to identify quick links to pertinent areas of the CDoC website as well as identify specific information to better guide them in addressing concerns.
We are also providing some basic information on making contact with the Department , on how and who to make contact with.
Constituent Services Office
The Constituent Services Office is able to address your general questions or concerns or will refer them to the appropriate subject matter experts to do so
Primary contact is the CDoC Constituent Representative, Ms. Lisa Wiley cdoc@state.co.us
To insure you get a response to your inquiry about a specific offender, you should ensure that they have provided the correct releases so that you can discuss their issues in depth and so that the department can answer you directly.
General release of information 1350-04A 2023-11-01 Release of Information Consent Form
General Medical Release 0950-02A1 2024-02-01 Authorization for Use and Disclosure of Health Information
While the General Medical Release has a section for Behavioral Health, if the offender is participating in a specific treatment program (drug & alcohol, domestic violence, sec offense specific treatment) or undergoing mental health treatment, a specific release must also be filed.
Behavioral Health release 0950-02A2 2024-02-01 Authorization for Use and Disclosure of Behavioral Health Information
We recommend that all 3 releases be submitted to the Department and that a new set of releases be submitted when the offender changes facilities.
The Department will not notify you that you have been approved for information. When the offender receives their signed copy of the release they should notify you.
The buttons below will take you to specific areas of the CDoC website that have information that has been found to be the most frequently asked about or to a further page on this website where the information is readily accessible.