Legislative History

   Yearly, a member of Colorado-CURE tracks legislation that is introduced in the Colorado General Assembly (Senate and House) also referred to as the State Legislature, during is session from January through May.

   While basic information is provided on all legislation, specific bills which have potential for impacting on those who are incarcerated, either positively or negatively are reported on in more detail.

   During the legislative session, the information is updated as it becomes available and posted on the Colorado-CURE Google Board.

   Because those incarcerated and their loved ones want to know the history of a specific piece of legislation, passed or failed,  listed below are the Bill Master lists for each year, as well as the Bills of Interest for each year.

   It should be noted that all bills have a specific numbering format. Bills introduced in the Senate will always start with SB (Senate Bill) followed by a 2 digit year reference, for example SB24 indicates a bill was introduced in the Senate in 2024. This is then followed by a unique bill number, beginning with 001 and continuing until the last bill introduced for the year.

   The house has a similar process, however their bills have an HB to designate a House Bill. The numbering sequence for bills in the House start with 1001.

 No bills introduced in a given year can carry through to the following session. Bills are either passed or are "lost" meaning they failed to make it out of the legislature.



Bill Tracking History